Meeting your social media ad campaign objectives What you need to know

We delve into what a social media campaign is, how to set campaign objectives, and how to achieve them.

What is a social media campaign?

A social media campaign is the implementation of a social media advertising strategy and planned social media marketing campaign to improve user interaction and KP; along with brand awareness. These are measured through sales revenue outcomes and analytics. Additionally, it is about coordinated marketing efforts which use one or more social media networks to develop or promote a specific business goal. When compared to traditional social media marketing, this route requires more focus, targeting, and analysis.

How to set campaign objectives

As part of a marketing plan, a successful social media campaign should focus on a specific business goal. Practical objectives for a successful social media campaign can include:

●        Driving sales directly through Facebook or Instagram

●        Obtaining direct feedback from your target audience

●        Developing an email marketing list of engaged customers

The social media campaign goals must be measurable and specific to achieve the best results. Before launching your social campaign, it is important to create a baseline of your targeted and traffic metrics. You will be able to track any changes in the performance throughout and after the campaign. It’s important to remember that depending on which social media platforms you use, different audiences will have different preferences. You’ll want to choose the best platform for reaching your target audience.

How to achieve them

Create engaging content

Once you have completed the creative brief, it is important to start crafting the content. However, ordinary content would not work out in today’s crowded social media scene. Instead, you would need engaging content to stand out. You can consider one or more content ideas depending on the nature of your campaign. Giveaways and contests, for instance, are always great because they give people a reason to act. Nevertheless, do not ignore your campaign message just to make something go viral. Your content should continue to support your main campaign.

Analyse results from the campaign

One of the most important aspects of any social media campaign is gathering insights from your results. While running a campaign, it allows one to identify problem areas, and if necessary, pivot the campaign for better results. Additionally, doing an analysis after the social media campaign has ended is extremely beneficial. It informs you of which aspects of your campaign did not work, allowing you to switch tactics and improve your results in future campaigns.


When it comes to advertising on social media, content is the last thing one should be concerned about. When one understands their objectives and the goals you want to achieve with them, creating content and putting together a design that meets those objectives becomes a lot easier. Therefore, if you need an agency to help create engaging and one-of-a-kind content for your social followers to make an impact that gets people excited about your brand and drive sales, contact Brown Cow now!